Many of our practitioners are Fear Free Certified. The Fear Free concept revolves around the reduction of feelings of stress in our patients which in return will result in a better experience for all involved — including pets, owners, and the veterinary team. Fear Free practitioners are trained in recognizing and taking steps to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress (FAS) associated with visits to the veterinary hospital and requires good communication between the owner and their veterinarian.
Prior to your fear free visit, you and your veterinarian will discuss your pet’s history and known stressors. Stressors can be any experience, environment, object or animal that disrupts the body’s normal state of functioning. Examples of stressors to pets include noise, odor, pain, and unfamiliar people. Our goal is to reduce stress as it has negative effects on pets, owners, and the veterinary team and ultimately can result in decreased ability to appropriately examine and treat your pet, and slower recovery from disease or injury.
If you would like to discuss a Fear Free Visit for your pet please contact one of our offices.