If your furry friend does not have good quality of life, and medical intervention cannot provide any relief, then euthanasia may be the most humane choice for your beloved family member. If you feel that situation applies to you, we encourage you make a quality of life appointment with one of our veterinarians.
During the appointment, our veterinarian will discuss your concerns and give you a kind, honest opinion on your pet's quality of life, and if anything can be done for them. If it is determined that euthanasia is the ultimate outcome, the veterinarian will go over the process with you to make this painful situation as smooth as possible for both you and your pet.
We offer various types of aftercare:
-Group cremation with no ashes returned
-Private cremation with ashes returned in an urn of your choice
-Pet returned to you after your appointment
If you would like to start with an online Quality of Life assessment, below is a link to a short online quiz. If you would like to discuss your results further, please call us to make an appointment.
Quality of Life Assessment